This site grew out of the E17 Warner Residents Association which was formed in 2013. There are about 4,000 Warner-style flats in Waltham Forest, originally managed by the Warner Estate. In about 2001, the estate was split between different freeholders. At the time, questions about high insurance bills were sent to the local MP, who helped set up a meeting addressed by the Federation of Private Residents Associations and the Lease Advisory Service, who advised setting up a Residents Association.
The outcome? Dozens of leaseholders raised their issue with the Financial Conduct Authority. Their response? They couldn’t do anything because the insurance was in the freeholder’s name even though, of course, the bill was sent to the leaseholder! This is exactly the kind of injustice that leaseholders are still fighting for more than a decade later.
In due course the comments and questions section moved to Facebook as Waltham Forest Leaseholders.
Gerri Ellis